- Home
- Key Information
- Remote Learning
- Reception
- Week Beginning 25th January
- Self-Directed Daily Activities to Complete
- Friday
Plan | Work to send via DOJO |
30 minutes: Begin by watching the Jolly Phonics Songs on YouTube. The children should join in with the songs and actions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_s-1sxzjPX8&safe=active
Login: march20 or jan21
3) Sentences (Underneath the resources tab at the top click on phase 3 ):
Photo of tricky word hunt (reading). |
- Ph2 Tricky Words scavenger hunt ticklist.pdf
- Ph2 Tricky Words scavenger hunt WORDS.pdf
- Ph2 Tricky Words scavenger hunt.pdf
- Phase-2-Tricky-Words-Letter-Formation-Activity.pdf
Plan | Work to send via DOJO |
Go on to the link: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/alive-in-5-week-3/ Follow Session 5 – Measuring ingredients |
Photo of session 5 activity |
Physical Development
1. Objective: To further develop and refine a range of ball skills including - throwing, catching, kicking, passing, batting, and aiming.
No work to be sent. |