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Work to send via DOJO

Go on to the link:

Follow Session 1 – Comparing mass: Heavier and lighter than
1) Watch video.
2) Complete the activity (download from the ‘Get the activity’ tab to the right hand side of the video.)

Watch Number Jacks: Getting heavy -

Photo of session 1 activity



Work to send via DOJO

  1. Watch: ‘The Runaway Iceberg’:
  2. Discuss the story (e.g. title, characters, setting, plot).
  3. Make links to last week’s story (Lost and found). Question: What is similar/different? E.g. what it looks like, what the weather is like, what animals live there etc.
  4. Explain that the similarities are the setting (Antarctic) and the character(s) (penguins).
  5. Discuss what the children can remember about penguins and their lifecycle.


No work needed

Understanding the World

Plan Work to send via DOJO

Map drawing

1. Watch the video for Day 4 – Dashing through the snow

2. Next, explain that you are going on a walk and will need to explore the area. Provide or allow the children to create their own telescopes (for example, a rolled up piece of paper or the inner cardboard tube of a toilet roll).

3. After, go on an exploration walk – maybe this will be outside to the park, around your house or even in your garden.  Ask them to look around with their telescope and talk about what they can see.

4. Once home, complete the map drawing activity found on the same link as above (Day 4 – Dashing through the snow):      (download from the ‘Get the activity’ tab to the right hand side of the video).


Map drawing activity - Day 4 – Dashing through the snow