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PE and Sport Premium

Sports Premium

In March 2013, the Prime Minister announced a package of funding for PE and Sport in Primary Schools.  As a result, primary schools have been given ‘Sports Premium’ funding to develop Physical Education and school sports. This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in schools.

As a school, we must spend the additional funding on improving our provision of PE and sport. We have had the freedom to choose how we feel our money is best spent.

The funding was calculated by the number of primary aged children between the ages of 5 and 11 years. All schools with 17 or more primary-aged pupils receive a lump sum of £8000, plus a premium of £5 per pupil.

The funding allocation changed in 2017.  The funding was doubled.  £1600, plus a premium of £10 per pupil. The link below will take you to the current years' spending guidance and allocations for 2023-2024.

Our Aims

  • To improve the provision and teaching of P.E at Snape Wood Primary and Nursery School.
  • Increase the levels of participation in physical activity.
  • Increase the level of participation in extra-curricular activities.
  • To provide a range of extra-curricular activities
  • Develop competitive sport
  • Promote healthy lifestyles

UK Government website
PE and sport premium for primary schools.