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Plan Work to be sent via DOJO

Begin by watching Number Blocks to introduce 7:
S2 Episode 2 (Seven):

Next, go on to the link:

Follow Session 2 – Sorting 6, 7 & 8 – Composition of 7.
1) Watch video.
2) Complete the activity (download from the ‘Get the activity’ tab to the right hand side of the video)

Finish by watching Number Blocks S2 Episode 12 (Fluffies):


Photo of session 2 activity


Plan Work to be sent via DOJO
  1. Recap story - Percy the Park Keeper ‘One Snowy Night by Nick Butterworth’.
  2. Question: Which season is it in the story? How do you know? What can you hear from the description in the story? What can you see in the pictures?
  3. Watch seasons video:
  4. Discuss what the children know/now know about winter. Mind-map suggestions.
  5. Question: Which of these things did you notice in the story ‘One snowy night’? How did Percy dress at the beginning of the story?- Why?  Which season is it now in real life? How do you know? What can you see/feel/hear? What do you think we might need to wear? Why? Add any new ideas to the mind-map.
  6. Have a selection of real clothes or images of clothes and sort them into a summer pile and a winter pile. Continuously discuss reasoning why they need to be in each pile. Also discuss what happens to our bodies when we get hot Vs cold (hot: sweating, red cheeks, hot to touch, sun burn? / cold: tingly fingers-pins and needles, cold to touch, when breathing we can see our breath in front of us; it goes white, we could get poorly and get a cough/cold). Question: What might we do to cool down/warm up?
  7.  Photograph the piles of clothing.
  8. Complete the pack a suitcase-sorting clothes cutting-sticking activity. Encourage children to cut themselves to further develop scissor skills.

Photo of your sorted pile of winter clothes.


Completed activity worksheet.

Geography / Communication and Language

Plan Work to be sent via DOJO

Geography – Communication and Language – Discussion based
Learning objective: To recognise some environments that are different to the one in which they live.

1. Using a globe or a map on Google images or Google maps zoomed completely out to explore our plant, Earth. Spend some time finding different countries and remember to explain the difference between land and water.  

2. Next, specifically find ENGLAND and the ANTARCTIC. Discuss their size and positioning.

3. Explain about the equator and how countries closer to the equator are hot/countries further away are colder. Question: Which do you think is hotter between England and the Antarctic and why? Discuss which country might be hotter than England and why.

4. Use google to explore images of hot and cold climates.

5. Using Google images or the Antarctic scenery posters/pictures, discuss ways in which the environment is different to Bulwell, England. Challenge your child to explain why it is different. Question what they have in Bulwell. Can they see it in the Antarctic? E.g. houses vs igloos. Supermarkets vs hunting/fishing.

No work to be sent (discussion based).